So here's where I started, my fabric selection and tools, and that spirally table runner is the result. Yay, me!
Now what to pick up and finish in September. Hmmm...
And in honor of a new school year, a little lesson:
A blue moon, being the second of two full moons within any given month, is an infrequent occurrence; hence the phrase "once in a blue moon" indicating the rarity of an event. "Blue moon" doesn't refer to the color, so I'm not sure why it got that name, though since it was originally defined as the fourth full moon in a season maybe weather conditions caused a blue appearance often enough to be remembered.
This month there was a full moon on August 1, there will be another tonight, August 31.
Blue moons happen about every 2.7 years on average. The last blue moon was on Dec. 31, 2009. The next blue moon will happen on July 31, 2015. Another truly rare event is a year with two blue moons. The last time a single year had two months with two full moons was in 1999. The next time double blue moons will be seen will be in 2018.
Okay, putting down the teacher's chalk now... See you next month!